John spent the first part of his working life in the theatre, radio and television before having what he describes as his "cathartic experience" in 1994. John proceeded to write and produce his documentary "Tilting At Treadmills", with the intention of making people aware of how they could become more energy efficient.

John had developed his building skills during "lay-offs" in the world of acting and production, including renovating his own home on Scotland Island, just north of Sydney.

John returned to study environmental science and renewable energy technology in the late 1990's and since then, he has continued to maintain his knowledge in these and associated areas of sustainable development.

Combining his building skills and his vast knowledge in the areas of environmental science and sustainability, John formed Eco Renovation and Design with his wife Vivienne.

For specific details of John's skills and experience in sustainable building and renovations, please click here.


Vivienne (Viv) is currently undertaking her PhD in Sustainable Futures at the University of Technology, Sydney. This is the culmination of her passion for and previous tertiary studies in a sustainable future for our world.

Viv has also undertaken a range of short courses in areas such as grey water recycling, permaculture, wetland management on farms, biodynamic farming and sustainability training.

Viv is also renowned for her passion for research and presented two significant research reports - "Plastic Bags in the Ocean" and "How Many Light Bulbs Does It Take To Change A Person".

Viv works closely with John in developing sustainable solutions for both new houses and renovation projects.

For specific details of Viv's skills and experience in sustainability and environmental science, please click here.

All material - Copyright © 2009 - Eco Renovation & Design