Eco Renovation and Design is a company specifically set up to design and create high performance, energy efficient housing, public buildings and renovations. Our goal is not simply to design buildings to a token five or six star energy rating, but where clients are willing to push the boundaries further, we are happy to design Zero Emission buildings.

Click here to understand the advantages of eco-renovations in contrast to building

Our commitment is to innovation and design that reduces our footprint on this planet. Ours is an holistic vision for a sustainable lifestyle that reinstates and increases natural capital, providing a habitable planet for our children and generations to come.

In recognition of our expertise in this field, we were commissioned to write a book entitled Cool Solutions for a Warming Planet. We have also produced an award winning documentary called Tilting at Treadmills (learn more about Tilting at Treadmills at our Benton Productions website)

For details and images of specific projects, we've completed, please go to our What We've Done page.


All material - Copyright © 2009 - Eco Renovation & Design